

pet@girl:~/SYNC$ rsync -r source/ root@
root@'s password: 

and it si done! exactly like =scp= but how can I keep the remote [dest] exactly like local:[src] I mean if I change a file name in [src], I hope the older name won’t show up in [dest]

A: the option =–delete= will do the job, for other options, check =man= or check the command line output of =grsync=

Note: =-c= has nothing to do with verify integrity, since integrity is forever guranteed, see this

          Note that rsync always verifies that each transferred  file  was
          correctly  reconstructed  on  the  receiving  side by checking a
          whole-file checksum that is generated  as  the  file  is  trans-
          ferred,  but  that automatic after-the-transfer verification has
          nothing to do with this option's before-the-transfer "Does  this
          file need to be updated?" check.